In terms of online security, Drupal CMS really stands apart from the rest. One of the major reasons being that it is an open source platform which lets you have both a functional and safety-driven website.
Therefore, to protect your website and its data and to cope with emerging threats on the vast web, new and improved security measures are being adopted in order to prevent your website from being hijacked by online attackers and illegal hacking.

Are you concerned about the security of your Drupal website? At Codexoxo, we provide new and improved means of security solutions to individuals as well as small and mid-sized businesses. Right from assisting you in creating a strong user password for your Drupal CMS to keeping your website safe from vulnerable attacks, we aim at delivering the best security solutions.
We offer a wide range of Drupal security services to our clients who are based across the globe.
Conduct analysis of Drupal architecture changes
Execute complete Drupal site scan
Audit Drupal website’s content and multi-media files
Check integrity with custom modules and scripts
Check site themes and templates
Test entire website without affecting performance
MySQL database security
Threat vector analysis
Navigation to Drupal’s architecture errors
Check integrity with third-party applications
Setting up two-factor login authentication
Encryption of Drupal login password
Fix issues and error messages
Caring for the safety and security of your Drupal website is as crucial as your deep concern with other important things in life. Moreover, if you own a Drupal website for the purpose of running your business, having your website checked regularly can surely save you from many emerging online threats, data privacy and much more.
Our Drupal security team of experts immediately respond to security issues which may occur with your website. We take proactive measures to ensure that your sites are safe from online attacks.
Give us a call when you want to run a complete check of your Drupal website. Our Drupal support experts will carry out all the necessary tasks over a secured remote connection.
Talk to our certified Drupal security experts today on the help desk number <enter-phone-number> and let our experts have the job done for you efficiently. If you wish to receive suggestions and advice, feel free to consult our Drupal security advisors. Get effective solutions from our experts and keep your Drupal-powered website away from the dangers of online attacks.