The innovation in technology and the evolution of the web has increased the need to control and display content across different devices and platforms. Drupal is one such technology that allows users to create a front-end framework with headless site, which is also referred to as a “decoupled” site.

This decoupled or headless Drupal CMS has a comparatively separate front-end framework for displaying website content from the Drupal back-end, which is used for storing data. In contrary to a typical Drupal site, online visitors will be able to view the pages and content of the site, however, the site’s theme will not be displayed. Thus, the Drupal CMS here, will instead, be used as a storage for data which will then, be read by the Javascript framework such as Backbone.Js and Angular.Js.
When an online visitor opens the Drupal site on a web browser application, the themed output or head is displayed to the visitor on his her device’s screen. A decoupled Drupal CMS, therefore, acts as a back-end framework that is used to store, maintain and modify web content and without rendering themed display.
The following are some of the known features which are provided by the decoupled or headless Drupal CMS:
It is a Content as a Service (CaaS) headless Drupal CMS
It is a client-side front-end framework
Javascript pages are displayed instead of traditional Drupal theme
Separates web content from the presentation layer
It uses the API-first approach to communicate with the back-end and devices
Ability to architect and display complex content models
The headless Drupal CMS is service-oriented
Drupal CMS displays output as APIs instead of HTML
Allows using additional modules for building headless Drupal sites
User has no direct interaction with Drupal
Administrative area to manage content and display data
Pages are created with Javascript framework such as Angular.Js and Backbone.Js
Saves time by reducing coding websites
Powerful and flexible back-end framework
Preferred back-end content management system for designers and front-end developers
It provides a logic to run web applications behind scenes
It uses the JSON and REST format for application programming interface (API)
Headless Drupal CMS delivers content through API any where and on any device
The decoupled or headless Drupal CMS approach stretches out to the industry level and thus, creates an influence that is far greater than what is by simply using Drupal.
All in all, the headless Drupal CMS can be taken into account as the host that manages the content and offers the content as a service to sites. Thus, this is also the separated content management and display, where the content is used by other sites and web applications.
You can build a headless Drupal site, which is available in the latest version (Drupal 8) only. However, if you are using a Drupal 7 CMS and wish to build a headless Drupal site, you will require additional modules to accomplish the task. Modules such as RestWS and Services, etc., can be used to achieve the purpose of creating such user interface-lacking sites that should work normally on desktops and mobile devices.
If you have a Drupal site, you can find more information from our Drupal experts at Codexoxo, who are readily available to guide you through with solutions. Also, our Drupal developers can be approached to help you get started quickly with decoupled or headless Drupal sites. If you need one for your business, give us a call and let our developers create for you.
If you face challenges when working with the headless Drupal CMS and need assistance, you can reach our experts at Codexoxo to help you find solutions. You may consult our Drupal experts any time to guide you with the process.
Get in touch with our Drupal experts on the toll-free number <enter-phone-number>, or contact via e-mail at <enter-email-address>. Our support services are open 24/7.