Online businesses are gaining huge popularity in the e-commerce marketplace. So, is the need for adopting new technologies and methods to pursue your business goals. Thus, new approaches are being introduced constantly to increase product sales and conversion for such e-commerce operations.
Now, it’s much easier to display, promote and market products on your website via landing pages and micro sites. If you don’t have it already, the opportunity is knocking at your door. Get it today! Contact Codexoxo to help you get the best for Drupal-powered e-commerce sites.

Our Drupal web experts are here to assist you at any given time. We develop and customise landing pages and micro sites for your website that will help in reflecting the various products that you want to promote on your website in order to trade with customers. This is a great way to market products on your Drupal e-commerce site and drive highest return on investment (ROI).
See what landing pages has to offer you:
Distinct landing page for individual product(s)
User-friendly navigation controls
Impressive page layout
Hosted on main website domain
Search engine placement with product keywords and titles
Display product information
Display product reviews
Display product images
Display product price (with range)
Option to purchase product
Accept payment online and offline
Added control for purchasing multiple products
Integration of shopping cart
Free sign up for trial products
Subscribe for newsletters
View and purchase related products
Customers can input product ratings and reviews
Member login area for customers
Great for marketing products and services
For better results, our Drupal experts can also assist you with the insertion of necessary keywords and related product titles and topics to help improve search engine ranking and driving traffic to your website.
A successful e-commerce site is way more than having a minimal site infrastructure to help you carry out your business effectively. Through the use of landing pages on your Drupal website, you have the possibility of increasing conversion. There can be no efficient way than the significant usage of landing pages for growing your e-commerce.
We have helped several hundreds of e-commerce companies with our expertise and quality services over the years. You can also take the advantage and give a new shape to your Drupal e-commerce site. It’s cost-effective too!
If you need assistance or have queries, contact us at our support centre via the toll-free phone number <enter-phone-number>. We will be glad to assist you with solutions. Our Drupal customer support services can be reached 24/7. Simply give us a call and our experts will guide you effectively and at your convenience.
There are undoubtedly, various ways to advertise your products to millions of audiences on the internet. One of the effective solutions is through the use of micro sites that is sure to boost your e-commerce.
Major global brands such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, Ebay, etc., run online product campaigns and advertise their products and services through non other than micro sites. This is a new innovation in technology that really drives business to success.
If you own a Drupal e-commerce site for trading products and services to a large number of online visitors, here is your chance to maximise the abilities of your site to increase sales.
Codexoxo provides design, development and customisation services for your Drupal e-commerce sites. This, therefore, allows your site to be capable of targeting your online audiences by running product campaigns and advertisements through what is called the ‘micro sites’. These micro sites are quite distinct from landing pages which are also developed by our professional developers.

There are certain important benefits of having micro sites within your Drupal e-commerce site.
Creates multiple micro sites for individual products and/or services
Allows executing online product campaign
Ability to display product advertisements
Website content tailored to target audience
Offers enhanced search engine optimisation (SEO)
Carries greater search engine ranking
Allows clear and distraction-free conversion
Ability to showcase products effectively
Advertise products via multiple events
Allows pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns
Allows E-mail campaigns
Allows Print campaigns
Run contest, sweepstakes, etc., to increase sales
Great solution for direct marketing needs
Our Drupal developers at Codexoxo create micro sites for your e-commerce site, with the help of which you can certainly increase sales and thus, grow your business successfully.
Want to get in touch with our Drupal experts? It’s quick and easy! Simply dial our toll-free phone number <enter-phone-number> and get assistance right away! It’s completely hassle-free.
You can also contact us for seeking maintenance and support services that are offered via on-demand basis and are operated 24/7.